Get NaSh Mukti Kendra details in Ambala Sadar @09501946111

Here we welcome you to the Nasha Mukti Kendra Ambala Sadar, one of the leading centers of rehabilitation in Haryana. We are focused on providing effective services in treatment of addiction and bring individuals back into productive life and rehabilitate them for a permanent cure of addiction. We aim to meet all the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our clients and these may vary with each individual.

The Nasha Mukti Kendra Ambala Sadar adopts a comprehensive approach towards addiction recovery. There are detoxification methods, one-on-one care, psychosocial therapy, and other assistance. The purpose of rehabilitation at this facility is to cover somatic, sociological, and psychological components of addiction.

We have designed modern facilities that make our patients feel comfortable and at ease. During the recovery process, there is a need for both in-patient and out-patient treatment modes depending on individual needs or preferences.

To learn more about the range of our services or to take the first step on your journey to recovery, please get in contact with us on 09501946111. Our dedicated team will assist you and offer the necessary resources in your journey toward healing from addiction and living a healthier lifestyle.

Need Immediate Support for Addiction Recovery? Call Us at 09501946111

We Maintain Cleanliness Rules Inside Our Center

Nasha Mukti Kendra in Ambala Sadar